noun: entertainment with educational content, frequently associated with videogames
work from a number of educational projects, many of which feature limited animation of well known licensed characters
SpongeBob Squarepants and Clifford the Big Red Dog are featured in this montage from "Clifford's Musical Memory Game" and "Nicktoons Nick Tunes".
A transition movie from the computer game "Scooby-Doo and the Scary Stone Dragon"
The PowerPuff Girls save the day in this combination of the two closing movies for "PrincessSnorebucks" game.
Opening movie for Carmen SanDiego Word Detective"
Intro movie for an educational CD Rom featuring Dr Seuss characters
School Tycoon "Rule Your School" from the popular Tycoon products.
Transition movie setting up the premise of one of the activities for Nickelodeon's "Fairly Odd Parents- Shadow Showdown" game.
Dora, the Explorer "Dance to the Rescue" Game Splash Screen

Stop, Drop & Roll fire safety video
Peer Pressure video